Dark Magic marks my first venture into self-publishing and I’m really excited about the positive reviews I’ve been getting.
Here are some of the things said about it on Amazon:
Above all, the book is entertaining, with genuinely funny, although fairly dark moments.
I especially liked the author’s dark, sly sense of humour, this combined with the grisly incidents, made for a great escapist read.
Get ready to suspend your disbelief and enjoy this funny and macabre ride.
Dark Magic is the story of two magic shows: the Maestros of Magic touring the country, playing provincial theatres and the Carnival of Conjurors successful in the West End. When the Maestros learn that the Conjurors are using real magic – Black Magic – to do their tricks they decide that they must use their own, distinctly unmagical, stage skills to stop them. Soon people are dying on stage – but can the Maestros really beat a team that has the devil on their side?
Things you need to know:
- It’s short (just 36,000 words)
- People say it’s funny
- People say it’s scary
- It’s just £1.99 on Kindle
Buy it at mybook.to/DarkMagic