I keep promising to cut back on the amount of time I spend on blogging and other social media and now, with over 56,000 words of my first rough draft of what I’m still calling Burke and the War of 1812, I just want to get that finished, so no proper blog post this week. I’m a bit disenchanted with the blog right now because there really does seem to be very little engagement with it so, honestly, what’s the point? Last week, out of the pure goodness of my heart, I offered a free copy of the audio book of Dark Magic to anybody who wanted it. (Halloween is coming up so it seemed appropriate.) And nobody has asked for a copy. I know I undersold it because it was supposed to be just a bit of fun, but nobody?

And, of course, because I really want to write, now there seem to be loads of other things going on. I’ve been enjoying the last of summer/beginning of autumn at Kew Gardens, volunteering in Marble Hill House and, obviously, getting in the odd bit of tango. Today I’m off to explore a Tudor house in Hackney, tomorrow is the London Halloween skate (pictured) and next week I’m going to Southampton for the Wellington lecture. Something’s got to give and this week it’s the blog. Sorry about that.

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