It’s summer and everybody has better things to do with their time than sit and read my blog post. My beloved and I have been away for a couple of days having much more fun than if I’d stayed home writing.

We’ve been to Bristol, so our trip has had a historical element ranging from exploring Iron Age hill forts to an afternoon on the SS Great Britain (launched 1843) and time spent admiring the Clifton Suspension Bridge (completed 1864) from every angle. We rounded it off with a visit to Britain’s twee-est hamlet, Blaise Hamlet. Built as a model village in 1809, I thought it was beyond saccharine but if King Charles has his way, the solution to the housing crisis may see us all living like this!

Iron Age

This is the remains of the inner ramparts of the Iron Age fort at Leigh Woods near the Clifton Suspension Bridge
Here, after more than two thousand years, you can still see the ditch between two ramparts

Steam Age

The SS Great Britain was the first steel built ocean going ship to be powered by by a propellor rather than paddle wheels.

Clifton Suspension Bridge

Blaise Hamlet

The cottages here all all inhabited: we suspect by hobbits.

Until next week…

Enjoy the sunshine!

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