Historical novels for Christmas
I've been using my blog recently to suggest that you might like to consider buying some of my books as Xmas gifts. This week, I thought I'd take the opportunity to feature some other historical novelists whose books you might enjoy. Penny Hampson Penny is one of the...
Tis the Season to Buy More Books
They say that if you want to make God laugh, you should tell him your plans. I had some vague plans about using November blog posts to try to sell the odd book. Even with my attempts to cut back on blogging, I still post something almost every week and most of them...
A bit of personal news
I'm taking a break from writing about history or books this week to return to something more personal. Decades of use and abuse have resulted in me wearing out my elbow joint. I used to think that the elbow was one of the less important joints (and I am...
I had my elbow replaced on Tuesday. Yes, I didn't know you could do that either. I was planning a piece about the wonders of the NHS but it turns out that after surgery you do a lot of falling asleep, so it's going to have to wait for next week. Let's meet up then.
Christmas at Seven Dials
There's no escaping Christmas now. The Christmas advertisements are out, the shops are full of Xmas products and the Christmas lights are everywhere. Everywhere including Seven Dials, where I was out last night to dance tango and stopped on my way to take this photo....
Stuff to buy and (some) stuff to get for free
I’ve finally got to the end of the first draft of Burke and the War of 1812. I usually take the unfashionable approach of editing as I go, so there's not a huge gap between finishing my first draft and having something that I feel ready to show to people, but this one...
That was the week that was
I'm still utterly failing to finish my 1812 Burke book as life seems to be filling up with all sorts of other things. Last Friday I visited Sutton House in Hackney, a National Trust property described as the oldest private house in London. Built in the 16th century by...
Halloween shocker!
I keep promising to cut back on the amount of time I spend on blogging and other social media and now, with over 56,000 words of my first rough draft of what I'm still calling Burke and the War of 1812, I just want to get that finished, so no proper blog post this...
Treat! (No trick)
During covid (remember that?) one of my lockdown projects was to make an audiobook of my Urban Fantasy novella, Dark Magic. I was encouraged by a friend who is a professional voice actor but it was a very amateur effort, recorded under a desk with a duvet providing...
Not waving but drowning
I'm so jealous of people who can just sit down and write. Back in the day, when I wrote books and reports for business, I could churn out words faster than most, but not a lot of imagination was required. Writing fiction, I find much harder work. These blog posts fall...