Everyone seems to be talking about social media these days, largely because of the controversies about Twitter.

Social media are important to writers like me because they provide an important way to tell people about our books. This blog is a form of social media and I’ve been writing it pretty well once a week for very many years. It used to be hosted on Google’s Blogger and you can find an archive going back to 2011 at thewhiterajah.blogspot.com. It can be frustrating because the number of people reading it varies a lot, not just only depending on what I’m writing about but on the vagaries of Google’s algorithms which sometimes point people to small blogs like mine and then switch to focussing on larger sites. I’m not sure that it actually sells many books, but I quite enjoy writing it so, although I am always threatening to cut down on the amount I post, I’m still here. (Either that or you’re imagining reading this, which is a sort of spooky idea.)

If I write the blog to encourage you to read the books, I then have to encourage you to read the blog. I used to do this mainly through Facebook and I have an author page there at https://www.facebook.com/AuthorTomWilliams. I still post there but Facebook is a rotten way to reach people these days. I think its time has passed.

Twitter and its like

After Facebook, of course, came Twitter. I used to hate Twitter but gradually grew to love it. Then came Elon Musk…

Twitter is now problematic. It’s lively and I’ve met some lovely people there, but you have to wade through an awful lot of extreme right-wing nutjobs and cryptocurrency sellers to find them. I’ve got over 2,000 followers there which, even if a lot of them are fembots, is too many to just ignore but I am looking at other possibilities. The problem is that refugees from Twitter have scattered all over the place so there’s no single obvious alternative.

Threads seems fun. There are interesting conversations and I enjoy visits there while reading my feed on Twitter often leaves me feeling quite depressed. I don’t get a lot of interaction, probably largely because I have only 27 followers. That’s the problem with starting again from scratch and it takes a long time to build things up.

Bluesky seems quieter than Threads and I get even less interaction despite my 74 followers.

Is any of this worth the effort?

The thing is, social media take a lot of time. If you want to build a following you have to post regularly and respond to posts from others. Even if it’s enjoyable, it takes time away from life and, specifically, writing. That’s why I don’t do Instagram and make only occasional weak efforts on TikTok. I have cut down on Twitter a lot lately as, thanks to Mr Musk, it seems likely to die. A lot of the time saved has now been lost to Bluesky and Threads, mainly double (or triple) posting but also responding to stuff (easier on Threads because it has genuinely fun stuff on it and I learn things).

In the end, I have to ask myself if any of it is worth it: using Twitter (or whatever) to drive traffic to my blog to try to drive readers to my books. I do think that cutting off social media depresses book sales but do you know what boosts sales? Writing more books, that’s what. Perhaps I should concentrate on that.

Social media is such a minefield at the moment. What do you think?

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